What’s Required?

A violin will be required for the first lesson and can be rented for a reasonable cost from a suggested vendor. Your instructor will advise you on what book is required and will be based on the level that you are starting from. We do not sell books but can either purchase one for you or recommend where to buy. Entry level violins can be found new or used for roughly $200.00 give or take.The price is usually dictated by the materials used on the violin. Entry level violins use a variety of wood and plastic components and as they price increases the plastic components are replaced by better quality wooden parts. However the sound quality is a subtle thing and you can listen to comparisons between $200 violins and $200,000 violins on Youtube.


The only difference between violin and fiddle is the style in which it’s played. We teach both styles at West End Music. Beginner violin students will learn the parts of the instrument, how to hold it correctly and correct posture. Traditional notation is taught right from the start and this instrument tends to be taught in a more classic or traditional style. However there is no limit to the music that can be played and the student will be taught a combination of traditional and modern arrangements.